A downloadable game for Windows

EnchantMech is a game created for MechJam IV, and is a Roguelike side-scroller in which you must use your Mech to escape a highly fortified enemy bunker.

My goal was to create a challenging yet rewarding game in which you start weak, but collect enchantments that are applied to both your mech and your weapons. Enchantments are randomized between runs, as are enemy weapons, meaning that no two runs will be the same difficulty. 

The tools at the disposal of the player include three weapons with unique abilities:

  • A normal bullet that does moderate damage and can pass through the player's shield
  • A missile that flies around structures to hit hidden targets, at the cost of damage and speed
  • An instant hitscan, which does incredible damage at the cost of speed and damage to the player if used while shielding

The player also has access to three forms of defense and maneuverability:

  • A shield that drains mana while held and blocks incoming bullets, and can also be used as a double-jump at its full recharge cost
  • A dodge on a short delay, that allows the player to avoid incoming projectiles but requires room to initiate
  • A jetpack, used to jump over hazards and reach high points

Noita was a partial inspiration for this game, mainly just the part where enemies can kill each other and you can kill yourself if you aren't careful (;

If you have any feedback on the game, please let me know in the comments and rate it! It helps me fix my games and make better games in the future.


EnchantMech.zip 41 MB

Install instructions

To install, download the attached .zip file, and unzip it. Then run EnchantMech.exe in the unzipped folder.

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